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Vue World News

This is a news application which was created by Vue.js. I used Top Stories API on The New York Times Developer Network.
Vue World News photo
WorkJun, 2020

What I made 💁‍♂️

I made a news application which was created with Vue.js.

What I used 🔷

1. Vue.js/Vue CLI

I used Vue CLI to build user interfaces in this web application.

2. Sass

I used Sass to design this production.

3. Top Stories API on The New York Times Developer Network.

I used Top Stories API on The New York Times Developer Network to fetch news data.

About this production 🥳

I found a website which shows how you can make news applications with Top Stories API. I mainly followed the website.

List of works cited is below.

1. Website : WPJ

2. API: Top Stories API

You can use this API for making a web application like this. You only need a little bit of skill in Vue.js .


What I learned

I learned how I can fetch data from API and display contents on devices. This project was not big , but it helped me to understand how I can use API with Vue.js because I had not had experience to use API .

Finally 😎

I think I'll make more big scale news application.

Vue World News

Jun, 2020


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avatat Satoru Akiyama

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