Hi, thank you for visiting here. Have a nice day. 👋



Hello. My name is Satoru Akiyama. 
I am a passionate creative developer. 😎 I was born in Japan in 1998. Currently I work in Tokyo as a software developer. Please find out more.
About photo
AboutNovember 23, 2023

Who I am

profile pic
Satoru Akiyama

24 years old


I started studying engineering in March, 2020. Since then I have been learning a lot of things every day to further my skills. I like to learn and try new things. I am a big fan of learning programing while making productions.
I am proud to say that I always work hard and do my best to live up to expectations people have for me.😎

How friends describe me

My friends would describe me as creative, hard-working, passionate, motivated, reliable and highly productive.

What is my goal

My future goal is to be a great and capable creative developer working with clients from around the world.

on my way

I am on my way to be one of the best developers.

Now I am making solid progress to be a good developer. I am always looking for new challenges. I keep on growing.


What I can do

I can build your Website and Blog


I can build your website. I will create an amazing website for you. Having a website provides great oppotunities for your business. This is a website of Yana Schumacher which I made.



I can build your blog with Sanity or Contentful.
Sanity and Contentful are fast and flexible platforms to display content on digital devices. This is a Blog example which I made.


I can do even better


I can create designs that look awesome and beautiful on any device sizes. We will work together to create a unique website that represents only you. This is a Daily_Task. Daily_Task is a personal projects management tool. You can work more structured.



I will make sure that your website which I make will be as fast as any native application with next to no loading time or lagging. My site has a seamless page transition.


I also can make scalable web applications. I built a Netflix Clone Application called S-A-flix. Users can sign in and sign up and see Movies and TV shows data. And users can add the data to "My List". Also, users can search for Movies and TV shows from the search box.

My Thoughts

Why I made this website.
This website was created to introduce myself, show my works, share what I thought and what I learned and improve my skills with React, Next.js and Sanity.
What I wanted.
Beautiful design and a maintainable site with React. I also wanted to make my website static so that it enables a good result in Search Engine Optimization.
I used Next.js, SCSS, Sanity and Firebase. I used Firebase for organizing the Comments. I made this site fully supported by responsive design. I also use Google Analitycs for this site.
It's a progress.
As I am currently still studying and developing my skills, this is not a final product but a progress. I am continuing to create new productions.
I am satisfied.
I am constantly trying to be better and satisfy my own perfectionism but this website reflects my current level of skill. Nonetheless, I am satisfied with publishing this website.
If this introduction of my skill and character has convinced you, I would be happy to hear from you for an interview and a possible job offer. Or you can just talk to me about anything.

Thank you for visiting my website. I would be glad if you like this website and continue having an interest in me.

Don't hesitate to contact me. 😎

avatat Satoru Akiyama