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S-A Company

This is a fictional company website. I built this website to learn Material UI. You can see a beautiful design and estimate.
S-A Company photo
WorkAug, 2020

What I made 💁‍♂️

I made a fictional company website. This is my first project with Material-UI. Material-UI is a popular and powerful component based UI React framework.

What I used 🔷

1. React/Create React App

I used Create React App to build user interfaces in this web application.

2. Material-UI

I used Material-UI to design this production.

3. Firebase

I used Firebase to correct the contact and estimate data from the user.

About this production 🥳

I learned Material-UI following Zachary Reece who is a Udemy teacher. I made this website based on his own website. I learned a lot of things about Material-UI while building this website.

First I learned how I can use the AppBar component with Material-UI and how I can customize the default styling of Material-UI. After that I learned complicated layout like the Grid component , then I made complicated design which is perfectly compatible with responsive design.


After that, I learned how to use the Modal component. And I also used a Snackbar component which would be shown after the user submit a message to get notification if the message is sent or not. Here, I used Firebase to store messages from users.


What I learned

I got confident about using Materialu-UI in React projects. After I learned Material-UI with this project, I not only acquired knowledge of Material-UI but also was able to deepen my knowledge of the CSS grid system and acquired designing knowledge. I feel by using Material-UI , I can improve my building effectiveness.

Finally 😎

I think I'll use Material-UI to build other projects. I keep on growing.

S-A Company

Aug, 2020


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Don't hesitate to contact me. 😎

avatat Satoru Akiyama

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