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Daily_Task is a personal projects management tool. You can work more structured. Organize your projects and daily tasks.
Daily_Task photo
WorkAug, 2021

What I made 💁‍♂️

I made the Daily_Task application for people who want to work more organized. Daily_Task is a personal projects management tool. By using Daily_Task, you can work more structured and organize your projects and daily tasks. I have improved my understanding about Java and Spring Boot development through developing this web application.

What I used 🔷

1. React/Next.js

I used Next.js to build user interfaces in this web application.

2. Redux

I used Redux for state management.

3. Material-UI

I used Material-UI to design this production.

4. Java/ Spring Boot

I used Java/ Spring Boot to make the server side.

5. MySQL

I used MySQL as a database service.

6. JSON Web Tokens

I secure our application using JSON Web Tokens.

About this production 🥳

The features users can use in Daily_Task.

  • Users can create an account and sign in with an email and a password.
  • Users can update their user information (name, email, password)
  • When the user forgets the password, the user can reset the password.
  • Users can create projects, update project contents and delete projects.
  • Users can add tasks to each project. And users can update it and delete them.
  • Users can choose a light mode or dark mode theme.

What I learned

I learned a lot of things about backend development with Spring Boot and My SQL. Also I improved my knowledge about React/Next.js, Redux and Material-UI.

Finally 😎

Building this project is tough for me since this is my first large scale project with Java (Spring Boot). Spring Security with JSON Web Token was the most toughest part for me.

I'm glad that I've completed my new project! I'm gonna make more and more challenging ones from now on!


Aug, 2021


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Don't hesitate to contact me. 😎

avatat Satoru Akiyama

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