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Our Diary

This is a kind of Diary web application which is a my first production created with Vue.js.
Our Diary photo
WorkMay, 2020

What I made 💁‍♂️

I made a Diary application. I started learning Vue.js in the end of May, 2020. Then, I created this web application as my first production with Vue.js in June, 2020.

What I used 🔷

1. Vue.js/Vue CLI

I used Vue CLI to build user interfaces in this web application.

2. Sass

I used Sass to design this production.

3. Firebase

I used Firebase to use Authentication.

About this production 🥳

In this web application, you can sign up and log in, then you can post texts in the form.


What I learned

I learned fundamental of Vue.js. I also learned Firebase. I had never used it before. So, I remember it was confusing in the beginning. But I managed to implement Authentication.

Finally 😎

Please sing up and sign in, then post your thoughts or anything.

Our Diary

May, 2020


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Don't hesitate to contact me. 😎

avatat Satoru Akiyama

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