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Engineer World

This is a corporate web site which is made with Nuxt.js. It's my first production with Nuxt.js.
Engineer World photo
WorkJun, 2020

What I made 💁‍♂️

I made a corporate web site which is made with Nuxt.js. It's my first production with Nuxt.js.

What I used 🔷

1. Vue/Nuxt.js

I used Nuxt.js to build user interfaces in this production.

2. Sass

I used Sass to design this production.

About this production 🥳

This is a corporate website. You can visit company, business, people, recruit and contact page.

engineer world pic
engineer world pic
engineer world pic
engineer world pic

What I learned

I learned how I make website with Nuxt.js

Finally 😎

I had learned Vue.js before I learned Nuxt.js. When I learned Vue.js, I knew of the existence of Nuxt.js. I thought about whether or not to learn about it, because I thought Vue.js was just amazing and I might not need to learn Nuxt.js. Finally, I started learning Nuxt.js with this project. It was amazing. I learned basic knowledge of Nuxt.js.

Engineer World

Jun, 2020


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Thank you for visiting my website. I would be glad if you like this website and continue having an interest in me.

Don't hesitate to contact me. 😎

avatat Satoru Akiyama

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